Making Business Work

Newport News EDA 2022 Annual Report

Newport News Economic Development Authority 2022 Annual Report – Annual Report Design Virginia Beach, VA


Every year the Newport News Economic Development Authority puts out a printed and online annual report to highlight the major area events and accomplishments and the work their team does to make them happen. This year’s report needed to put a big focus on the impactful data points made by the EDA team.
Newport News Economic Development Authority 2022 Annual Report – Annual Report Design Virginia Beach, VA
Newport News Economic Development Authority 2022 Annual Report – Year by the Numbers – Infographic Design in Virginia Beach


Wanting to put an emphasis on the many events and successes the EDA team had in 2022, the cover features some key snapshots with arrows pointing upwards toward progress. Big, bold infographics were introduced to help highlight the major milestones. I also worked with a local copywriter to change the format of the book from many little stories to larger narratives that focus on the EDA team’s role.
Newport News Economic Development Authority 2022 Online Annual Report – Interactive Annual Report Programming in Virginia Beach, VA