Finding Equity in a World of Obstacles

PAF 2022 Annual Impact Report

Patient Advocate Foundation 2022 Annual Impact Report – Design services in Virginia Beach, VA


Every year Patient Advocate Foundation releases a report to the public that highlights the organization’s impact with statistics documenting disease, issues, and demographics that contribute to the development of trends PAF sees and can respond to. With the pandemic behind them, the report’s aim was to shine a light on the inequities in our healthcare system.
Patient Advocate Foundation 2022 Annual Impact Report Patient Profile – Annual Report Design Hampton Roads
Patient Advocate Foundation 2022 Annual Impact Report Service by the Numbers – Infographics design Virginia Beach


Working with the Howell team, we developed the concept of “Finding Equity in a World of Obstacles.” To visualize the theme, I created a cover that features words describing the various struggles patients have with a magnifying glass revealing the title. The torn-edge theme was then carried throughout the report as a tool to highlight striking data to support the stories of PAF’s impact.
Patient Advocate Foundation 2022 Annual Impact Report Overall Patient Impact